Paul Florence
Currently doing web dev & GIS at
Makina Corpus !
Rust Django Docker C Verilog FPGA OS x86 Assembly 🇫🇷
But also : brewing beer, fermented food, growing vegetables, undergroud music culture, video games and the art behind them.
Web developer (mostly Python/Django)
I mostly work on geographical information system (GIS) but I also tackle challenges in other fields (sysadmin, etc.).
Python/Django Docker Postgres/PostGIS Keycloak2020
Research Engineer
Improving micro-architecture security through the developement of security registers and the insertion of new instructions at compilation time.
Linux Kernel Verilog x86 Assembly Micro-architecture2020
Master degree :
- INSA Toulouse in computer science and engineering
- Université Toulouse 3 in information security
Master degree project at IRIT (6 month, Toulouse, FR) - "Improving a trusted architecture for cloud computing" - Report C Verilog x86 Assembly
Internship at Arm Ltd (3 month, Cambridge, Uk) - Internship poster C
On the security of IoT (state of the art, unpublished) - Paper
Last updated 03/11/2021 (dd/mm/yyyy).
Un message publicitaire nie la vie parce qu'il dégrade les désirs en besoins.
Alain Damasio - La Zone du Dehors